30% Per Annum Assured Returns Calculations:

Date of Buying 100 Sft Multiplex Unit In SFBMM = 1st May 2020

Purchase Price / Original Investment = Rs.1400000/- + Rs.168000/- GST = Rs.1568000/-

Total Rental Receivables From Sensation @ 9% Per Annum Starting 1/5/20 To 30/6/21 = Rs.10500/- x 14 Months = Rs.147000/-

Resale Price of 100 Sft Unit on or before 1st July 2021 When Multiplex Operations Commence In June 2021 With Minimum 6.25% Per Annum Rental Return To Final Buyer = Rs.2016000/-

Thus Total Profit On Investment of Rs.1568000/- In 14 Months =

( Resale Price + 14 Months Rental ) - Original Investment = Total Profit

( Rs.2016000/- + Rs.147000/- ) - Rs.1568000/- = Rs.595000/-

Thus Annual Return On Original Investment of Rs.1568000/- =

[ {( Total Profit / Original Investment ) x 100 } / 14 Months ] x 12 Months = Annual ROI

[ {( Rs.595000/- / Rs.1568000/- ) x 100 } / 14  ] / 12 = 32.52%

Unbeatable Reasons For Exit of 100 Sft Multiplex Unit On or Before 30th June 2021 @ 6.25% Rental Return Per Annum :

1. In any good or bad real estate market, demand for rental yielding properties is always very high.

2. Every rental yielding property buyer is looking for a highly stable tenant, what could be a better tenant than PVR Sathyam Cinemas especially when they are going to invest 22.5 Crores in the property & will have superb occupancy due to the regular cinema patronage in Hyderabad, Telangana....

3. Rental yielding properties with stable tenants generally trade at 5.5% to 7.2% Return Per Annum basis & their ticket sizes are very high, starting at minimum 3 crores...

4. It's a dream to get a ready Rental Yielding property with A+++ Tenant like PVR Sathyam Cinemas with a mere investment of Just 20 Lacs...

5. There will be hardly any resellers of Multiplex units on commencement of PVR Sathyam Operations as owning a Multiplex, whatever size it may be, is a matter of pride...
